FoMo-C - Forward Modelling for optically thin plasmas using nonuniform grids

This page documents the latest version of FoMo-C, i.e. 3.3. The code is extensively documented using Doxygen, of which a copy can be found on my personal webpages. The documentation of the FoMo-C objects and members is included, and also a detailed example is given.

For documentation on the older version v2.0, please see page FoMo-C-v2, which also includes an example.


FoMo-C aims to be a fast generator of synthetic emission spectra in optically thin coronal lines, starting from regularly as well as irregularly gridded data. This data can be the output of any numerical simulation. Irregularly gridded data are processed through 3D interpolation. Before version 3.3, FoMo-C relied heavily on the Computational Geometry Algorithms Library (CGAL) for constructing and manipulating a triangulation for performing nearest neighbour interpolation. However, from version 3.3 onwards, the interpolation can be done with an rtree look-up (using the Boost implementation).

FoMo-C also depends on the CHIANTI atomic database to calculate the emission by interpolating the contribution function for a selected spectral line to the irregular grid. Consult the GeneratingTables page for more information on the contribution function and its calculation in FoMo.


The fomo-c library can be downloaded here. Installation, compilation and usage instructions can also be found in the FoMo-C doxygen documentation.

Structure of the code

Once again, we refer to the documentation of the code, where the structure and strategy of the code is explained in great detail.

FoMo-C (last edited 2016-11-22 06:20:49 by tomvd)